Friday, March 27, 2015

“I am bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part him when he goes wrong.”

Abraham Lincoln

This quote means that being true is better than for you to win because you have to be honest with everything, you have to be right about you are going to do and pick the right decision because while you do what is right people will support you but if not who will; when in doubt if something ever goes wrong you should let it go and move forward and let that person go because then they might not even be by you again next time. 
April fool’s Day

1.     April fool’s day is on April 1st

2.     The purpose of April fool’s day is to prank people on this day or saying jokes about something, people use this day as a whole day of joke telling to other

3.     Some theories behind April fool’s day are that some didn’t want to follow the day on the calendar that recognized it and precursors to the holiday tradition

4.     April Fool’s day is also known as a festival held by people to celebrate in the sixteenth century in Europe

5.     Europeans call  April fool’s day  “April Fish”

6.     In Denmark they do all the pranking and jokes on May 1st instead of April 1st

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

“Character is higher than intellect.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

This quote means that character is the one thing that is important because it shows the person that you are and you act towards others. Character is higher than intellect because it shows how good of a responsible person you are, the way you represent yourself to others and it doesn't base off on the intelligence and whereas intellect is only based on your academic levels. 
Health Sciences Librarian

Duties and Responsibilities:

Health sciences librarian are to select assessments, the management of collections and resources. This task also includes others who are into the health sciences for them to be able to understand, and to meet the standards that it can be able to be promoted. They can also be into the medical informatics specialist.

Salary: $47,772-$73,238


Graduate degree in library science from an institution, background into the health sciences, 4 year bachelor’s degree, and master’s degree in science

Reflection: I would like to become a health sciences librarian because I get to help others who want to into this field. Also because I get to help the people who need to understand what to do and to meet the standards that are given.

Monday, March 23, 2015

“I trust that my hard work will pay off.”

Tyler Haws

This quote means that when you put so much effort and you try really hard to do something or to try to make yourself better at something then your hard work and effort will pay off later in what you do. When hard work is put into something that you want to get better at then when you do it again it will reflect on your hard work that you put into trying to get better. People say that hard work takes a long time to do to get better, but if you think about it doesn't because then it shows how bad you want to get better at it and make sure you do it correctly and it shows how bad you want to do right.

Volleyball is a sport that considers at least 6 girls on the court and is divided by a net of two teams on the opposite side of each other. Volleyball has been part of the summer Olympics since 1964; this sport has a variety of rules that has to be follower, but the one thing that is major is that each player is allowed to touch the ball 3 times but each player can’t touch the ball 2 times continuously. Another thing is that when the ball touches the net, touches the floor, and goes to the outside of the court when hit the other team automatically gets a point and if the same thing happens to the other team then they get another point to the team originally. The picture below shows the summer Olympics that happened in 2007, the both teams consider 6 players and on the opposite side of each other. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

“The true independence and freedom can only exist in doing what’s right.”

Brigham Young

 This quote means that when you get these things is because you are doing things right and you keep doing it right and once you do something wrong you will lose these things because you decide to something wrong when you know it is not right. You yourself always should make sure you doing the right thing so that you can have your freedom and so that it won;t be taken away, so that's why should never do something wrong.

Global Opportunities: Careers

·         United Kingdom: London
·         Lawyer in Ever-sheds UK
·         Make sure that you help other’s and make sure you get everything that is needed
·         They do other careers instead of just law

·         Las Vegas, NV
·         Attorney
·         Law enforcement
·         They are good because they want to people to come to them and for attorney and law enforcements to help them

·         New York
·         Sales and Business Associate
·         Spends time onto helping the clients with any type of sale in the city or state or with homes, marketing
·         Spends time on contacting the marketing, sales, partnerships organization

2. Yes, I would like to work in another country because I get to experience other things besides the stuff I know about. I would want to go to United, Kingdom (London)

Friday, March 13, 2015

In the video from the Olivet Middle School the football team Olivet Eagles decided to do something to make this boy’s day. In the game, this boy named Keith had scored a touchdown even though he had a disable condition, the rest of the boys from the team had helped him; Justice and Parker decided for the team not to score a touchdown and let Keith do it. In the video the two boys said that Keith had went from being a nobody in the school and then became popular, Justice said that he himself only cared for him and then later changed to him caring for others and trying to make everyone’s day.  This video was really amazing just because it shows how they didn't care for themselves but saw how they can make Keith his first touchdown. He saw how he shouldn't care for himself but for others. 

“They’re only truly great who are truly good.”

George Chapman

This quote means that the people who are good they are a great person. If you help them with something they can‘t do then you are a truly great person and good for helping them and they are very thankful for what you did and that’s what a truly great, and good person they are 
Volunteer Opportunities
        ·            Children’s Hospital
        ·            Can work directly with the patients
        ·            Assisting in the hospital play rooms or if not in the rooms to take care of the patients
        ·            Playing board games with the kids and help them
        ·            You can read to the kids but must have a 10 hour training
        ·            Apply online or go in person
        ·            Mar Vista Animal Medical Center
        ·            Cleaning and helping them set up tools needed for surgery
        ·            Able to draw blood out, care towards the animals  
        ·            Apply online or sent an application
        ·            The Court Referred Volunteer Center Programs
        ·            Nonprofit agencies
        ·            Volunteer labor
        ·            Hospital and Morgue
        ·            Three part course
        ·            Classroom learning
        ·            Guest speakers
        ·            Teaching teens how they shouldn’t do certain stuff because of long term consequences 
        ·            Go in person
        ·            MTI
        ·            Help provide urgent health care and programs
        ·            Able to help families in deep needs

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

“Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn’t. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don’t do it.”

George Mitchell

This quote means that you should never cheat at all because it is not worth it because there is no point into it. When you do something or in a game you shouldn’t cheat at all because everyone should play fair and not cheat because there is no point of you going to play and cheat, but if you go and don’t cheat then you are playing fair. Honestly cheating is bad because then if you do cheat then you will get so used to and cheat all the time when you shouldn’t have; thats why you should be honest about it. If you use steriods it isbad because then it is doing all the work for you and your just cheating. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

“I won’t cheat”

Dale Murphy
This quote means that you should never cheat what so ever just because it is bad when you do, everyone should be fair and always be true and honest because when cheating your showing everyone a bad example of yourself. One example is like when you are taking a test and you don’t know what to do so you copy off of someone sitting next to you and you get caught you are cheating off of someone; another example is like when a game and you fake injure yourself saying the other person did it just to get ahead you are cheating the game and it is not the right thing to do. 

Duties and Responsibilities:

Oncologist is trained in a variety of cancer diagnostic and treatments procedure. They do comprehensive treatments for patients with cancer.  

Salary: $217,856


Training, undergraduate studies, medical school, residency training programs

Reflection: I would like to become this because I get to help others.I also get to learn new things while being in this tyrpe of position.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

“Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all.”

Benjamin Franklin

This quote means that when being a good respectful person and be true about yourself is all you need to be a great person. If you do all the is doing good and being true is all you ever need to exceed others. 
Health Educator

Duties and Responsibilities:

Health educator teaches patients and public health how to get well and stay well. They also create programs that encourage health wellness and to prevent any sickness or disease.

Salary: $48,790


Must take classes for human development and social work. Bachelor’s degree or if a master’s degree

Reflection: I would like to become a health educator because I like to help others. I would like to teach them things that they didn’t know before.